Thursday, January 11, 2018

ICE crackdown on Illegal alien hiring

ICE raids nearly 100 7-11s across 17 states, arresting 21 people in a crackdown on the hiring of illegal immigrants

Read about it...More to come!


  1. Hope their next target is the large development corporations/homebuilders. They employ illegals almost 100%. Wait-these are the developer Sugar Daddy's of the politicians! Never mind,,,,,,

  2. Our government, big business, and law enforcement are all to blame for allowing this, they never enforce anything, then they wonder why most Americans do not respect our government and our law enforcement. If all these illegal workers paid their fair share of taxes, we may not have all this debt in the USA, it needs to stop and all people working here in this country MUST pay their fair share of taxes, NO MORE EXCUSES!
