Monday, December 4, 2017

Trump Tweet on Alabama election

Click to read


  1. Ultimately it was the hypocrisy of either side that drove me from partisan politics.
    Watching the disgusting hyper partisan support of human garbage can Roy Moore, an authoritarian theocrat with an alleged penchant for teenage girls that would make any Islamic cleric blush with envy is being backed by holy rollers and rock ribbed republicans without a hint of irony considering their "small government/ family values" diatribes.
    But for all their pearl clutching over 'ole Roy how is Alabama's apologetics worse than the years of adulation, rationalizing, and daily apologia offered to our former president as he slaughtered innocent men, women, and children with his drone wars?
    To be clear; standing on the sideline a critical person can show their disdain for both (and with the proper context and level of anger so as to avoid false equivalencies) but partisan loyalists are stuck on the playing field playing full contact for a team that's lead by people that could not care less about them.

  2. I honestly do not believe that people should be accountable for something they might have done (no proof) nearly 40 years ago. Ridiculous. There is nothing in his history, and he's been married for 32 years, that suggests that he is hitting on teenage girls or hitting on anyone else for that matter.
    Do you not believe that people actually grow up?
    The "clutching pearls" routine is old and totally insulting.
