Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Great Divide

It's very sad what has happened to our country. A poll released the other day reveals liberals and conservatives hold extremely divergent views about patriotism and America. According to the poll, nearly one-in-five liberals say they would prefer to live in another country. Liberals say that the NFL is a patriotic brand--the very people who would not stand for our National Anthem.

During the Obama regime, our country radically changed. It will take a strong patriot to turn those feelings around. We have been heading towards socialism and atheism for far too long.

Read about it...


  1. Back in 2011, Ted Nugent said he would either kill himself or be arrested if Obama was elected again. Limbaugh said he would move to another country in Obama was elected. This kind of thing has been going on for a while.

    The country hasn't changed. The people have. There is now a segment of our society that views everything through political glasses, both red and blue sides. It's not healthy and it assigns a political value to even the air we breathe.

    The people who are doing this are the ones to blame. The people who spread intentionally false or misleading information, knowing that it is false or misleading and doing it anyway. The people who sow division by smearing entire races, religions or ethnic groups are to blame. Some of them spend massive amounts of their lives doing this...and actually feel this is their calling, their duty, on order to make this country great again.

    Funny thing is that the exact same people who lament how bad things are in America are usually the ones to blame. Their lack of self awareness is astounding.

    America is the best damn country in the world, no matter what you may hear on the internet. Don't let anyone convince you of anything different.

  2. Sorry ,but calling bullshit on 8:13 . Unlike YOU,I listen to Rush. He never said he would leave the country. He said "I hope Obama fails".
    Obama had the chance to unite this country like no one else before him. As the first half white ,half black President he could have been the leader of all of us. Instead,we got the failed presidency of the first Muslim President. He did indeed "bring a gun to a knife fight".And look where we all are today. It's going to take eight years of the American people standing up under a God loving and God fearing President to clean out the stench that has enveloped us for the past 30 years.

  3. Well, 1:41, like most commenters here, you're wrong.

    In his own words:

    And you do realize that when you call Obama the "Muslim President," about 80% of the country immediately tunes you out. The other 20% only listens to you when they're not busy measuring out their next Metamucil treatments.

  4. Thanks for YouTube however the moderator was a total A-HOLE. Obamacare was a failure as Rush predicted. But he said that it was designed to fail because the Democrats really wanted single payer. That could very well be the case. Also, your last sentence--cute but unnecessary.

  5. How childish. Sad!

  6. Again,calling bullshit on 4:16. "About 80 % of the country tunes you out".
    Typical liberal,can't discuss what I've put out in my post ,only reaching up their ass ,pulling out a false "fact" and expecting us all to swallow it. See,the thing is,the American majority doesn't swallow anymore,sweetheart.
    The play book doesn't play any more. Time to take off your pink pussy hat ,look in the mirror and repeat " I am the minority. Elections do matter,and Donald Trump is now my President". Donald Trump brought a Cannon to a Chick Flick and blew Hillary's head off.
    Elections really do matter.

  7. He filled the government with Muslims, enabled ISIS, crippled our military and sowed division and dissension between Blacks and Whites, created an unaffordable health care system that doesn't work for many if not most of Americans, and he lied blatantly to push it-"If you like your doctor. you can keep your doctor." "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan".

    Thank God our new President is making America Great Again.
