Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Great Divide on North Lakeside Drive

For Trump! Against Trump! Lake Worth street reflects national split

Read Kevin D. Thompson's article... about the Trump signs on North Lakeside Drive.

Dee McNamara was asked how long her signs will be up. “Until hell freezes over,” she says, laughing. “Is that long enough?”


  1. keep making America great again dee

  2. Thanks to the McNamaras for their strength in the face of useless adversaries.

  3. They should have sued the ASS off of the City manager and his flunky employee for slander and defamation of Character after what the city of lake Worth said and did to Dee!

  4. There are a lot of things I hate about the Democratic party--not just one thing. First of all you people exaggerate too much and lie like a rug. The McNamaras are entitled to their opinion. And you should stop destroying their private property. But that's what Democrats do. It's more than embarrassing.
    The McNamaras don't go around like Antifa thugs. They mind their own business and take a stand with a banner. What's your problem?
    Oh that's right--you're really a Democrat who does not believe in free speech unless it agrees with yours.

  5. anonymous at 11:

    Sorry to hear you are so consumed with hate that you can't think straight.

    The McNamara's are expressing their support of President Trump with banners. What's wacko about that?

    Wacko is anyone who supports Hillary Clinton in the face of all her questionable, perhaps criminal actions.

    Embarrassing is the extreme conflict of interest in Mueller's investigation and all the Clinton Supporters on the team who are supposed to be impartial in their witch hunt of our President.
