Friday, December 1, 2017

Supreme Court takes a stand for State's Rights

Read about it... and the fact that the the United States Supreme Court this week rejected a case that challenged the use of a Confederate symbol on the Mississippi state flag.

Thank God this person was not allowed to push the envelope by rewriting and/or discarding history no matter how offended he said he was.


  1. Thank God the sane people are now in control of this country! What happens when the next racist nut case from black lives matter (racist ,stupid name ,by the way) wants to change or do away with our national flag? Again thank God the adults are back in charge. Go Trump!

  2. It will be a more Merry Christmas to all after the bombshell landed in the White House with news Friday of NOW CONVICTED FELON former Gen and Trump NSA Dir Mike Flynn and guarantees spilling all the beans on Trump, his transition team, current crew of Advisors and oh! so close to home son in law Jared Kushner and beloved little Donald Trump Jr. The clock is ticking before this trash can be wrapped in the shameful bars and stars and tossed in the clink. Heil Merry Christmas to all our Neo-Nazi friends. At least Mike Flynn Jr has hopes of celebrating Christmas at home instead of behind bars - thanks dad, please keep talking to the Feds.

  3. Nothing burger.. Unlike the uranium one case and illegal e-mail server of soon to be convicted felon Hillary Clinton.Oh,forgot all about the pedophilia and satanic spirit cooking sessions she indulges in. Kuru head -bobbing anyone?

  4. The Lord has said-Do not attack Donald Trump my anointed one.
