Friday, December 1, 2017

Quote of the Day - Jeff Sessions

“When jurisdictions choose to return criminal aliens to the streets rather than turning them over to federal immigration authorities, they put the public’s safety at risk. San Francisco’s decision to protect criminal aliens led to the preventable and heartbreaking death of Kate Steinle.

While the State of California sought a murder charge for the man who caused Ms. Steinle’s death-a man who would not have been on the streets of San Francisco if the city simply honored an ICE detainer-the people ultimately convicted him of felon in possession of a firearm.

The Department of Justice will continue to ensure that all jurisdictions place the safety and security of their communities above the convenience of criminal aliens.

I urge the leaders of the nation’s communities to reflect on the outcome of this case and consider carefully the harm they are doing to their citizens by refusing to cooperate with federal law enforcement officers.”

~ Attorney General Jeff Sessions

The State of California and San Francisco made this verdict political.  Even the defense attorney politicized this verdict when he brought up President Trump's name. The jury was not allowed to hear any of the background of Jose Zrate, a 7 times felon. He was presented as some poor, homeless immigrant who stumbled upon a loaded gun that discharged accidentally. He was found guilty of possession of a fireman and will be deported back to Mexico for the sixth time.  We will see him again in California--he knows where his bread is buttered.

It is time to end sanctuary cities. It is time for the government to end funding to any city or state that allows sanctuary for illegals. And it is time to end making the rights of illegals more important than the rights of American citizens.



  1. Absolutely, the elected in Lake Worth are just as at fault allowing all the illegals to run around too in this city, drunk and fighting and killing each other and innocent people. This is why I moved out of the City of Lake Worth! Plus also the crooks and greedy corrupt elected in Lake Worth giving themselves such huge raises for two meetings a month, they are making an upper middle class salary and a lot of benefits off the good people of the city, yet they will not even hire full time people in this city to give benefits to their employees, it is all blatant theft of the city coffers by our current elected. They never talk about or do anything about all the crime here, that is why now it is left with renters, illegal immigrants, welfare folks, criminals, druggies and alcoholics. Blame the greedy politicians and the ineffective management in this city and country for all the problems. No wonder all the good people are moving out!

    Then they wonder why all the good people lose respect for our government and law enforcement, they never do anything. The PBSO here never do anything and they know this city is a sanctuary city and Lake Worth has tons of illegals. They let the illegals run wild here drunk all over fighting and killing and do nothing.

  2. 11:57am : hi Pammy.
