Monday, December 4, 2017

Quote of the Day - Former Assistant Director of the FBI

“Anyone with a brain knows what he meant. He thinks he was unjustly brought down, and now justice is going to prevail and show him as some sort of a martyr. Nothing could be further from the truth.

He’s a guy who either knows the Bible or thought it would be cool to give that response back, when he is the emperor with no clothes. He carried water for the Clinton Foundation and Obama administration, and demoralized the FBI, making a fool of himself in my view—he conducted himself in a way that was not in keeping with the rule of law—and here he is quoting the Bible. Hopefully, justice will roll down on him and his sycophants who threw the bureau under the bus.”

 ~ James Kallstrom, former Asst Director of the FBI

Talking about James Comey's biblical quote (“‘But let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream,’ Amos 5:24”) immediately after Michael Flynn was charged for lying to the FBI.

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