Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Quote of the Day - Ann Coulter

"It has to be said that many of the legal and illegal low-wage workers, they’re incredibly hard workers, they’re really nice people, and it occurred to me … that I actually like all of the illegal immigrants except the DREAMers. They’re the ones I want deported first because they’re the activists. They’re the obnoxious ones. They’re the ones who go to congressional offices and stamp their feet and say, How dare you not rush to grant us amnesty? Whereas the other illegals don’t have the time to be protesting; they’re busy working, being polite, being so friendly and nice and saying, Merry Christmas.

No. Let’s start by deporting the DREAMers. That’s point one."

~ Ann Coulter


  1. Hey Lynn, when is the Alabama election going to be investigated? They arrested those people that you and your sources cited...c'mon, give us an update. You all have the best info!!!

  2. The only thing you all need to Remember is--
    HILLARY lost.
    Roy Moore has not yet conceded! LOL.

  3. Hey Snope Dogg, are you planning to pay for the education, welfare, food stamps. and medical care of the "dreamers".

    I think they are dreaming you and the rest of us will finance their dreams.

    Start a charity and collect on their behalf. Maybe you can take 90% of it like the Clintons did from their foundation.

  4. Dreamers are not eligible for welfare or food stamps and they pay into medicare and taxes just like you did.

  5. I gotta say that I kinda agree with horse face Annie, but I'm surprised she hasent been ground into dog food or boiled to make glue yet, oh well good for her.

  6. Well, we should remember that she, when asked, said during the primary that Donald Trump would win and was laughed at. She took it without a flinch. Cool gal.

  7. Horseface? Really? Look in the mirror 9:43pm and tell yourself you're gorgeous.
