Saturday, December 30, 2017

Project Gray Wolf - America to protect with missiles that can communicate

Trump Jumpstarts “Project Gray Wolf” which should strike fear directly to KJU

"Under a $26.3 million contract from the Air Force Research Lab, Lockheed Martin plans to develop “a directed energy system for aircraft, with plans to test the technology by 2021.”

Let's hope we can contain Rocket Man until then.Watch the liberals condemn the President for this project by saying we are just giving Kim the Krazy incentive to strike sooner.  Or they will say, oh, this money should be spent on the poor.


  1. hummmm-wasn't it already tested in the CA fires?

  2. Let's hope we can train the pilots, so they don't crash into the South China Sea with this multi-billion dollar US equipment.

  3. Apparently, you don't read the news.

  4. Apparently you are the most informed person in the country. Sarcastic, too.
