Wednesday, December 6, 2017

President Trump on Jerusalem

Jerusalem’s Old City Lit Up with American and Israeli Flags

Go to 22:50 of the video to see and hear the speech


  1. Keeping promises-a new phenomenon in the world pf politics. Go Trump!

  2. Yes, Go Trump! Go Away!

  3. at least we finally have a president who is trying to protect US citizens and like he said today if things aint working its time to change

  4. It's hard to respect someone that can look that bad in an $8000.00 Italian suit. Between his hair and his poor posture, he is looking more like Boris Yeltsin every day.

    Of course, Donald Trump doesn't drink, but you would never suspect that to look at his pictures.

  5. Why post that garbage from 1:40.

    Obviously a jealous jerk focused on his own negative perceptions rather than the fantastic progress America has made since Donald Trump became President.

    Does this clown think he could even be standing much less standing straight if he tried keep up with the President's schedule?

  6. Promises made by Clinton, Bush and Obama. Promises kept by TRUMP.
    And I'll take Trump over a Nicotine infused bean pole in a crumpled two dollar shirt sans tie any day.

  7. Nobody asked him to keep this schedule. He keeps this schedule at his own peril. Did you ever hear of burnout. So far, he has been operating strictly on adrenaline, like a soldier in the field. But, when the battle is over, the soldier gets to go on R&R. Trump's schedule is only going to lead him to a breakdown.

  8. He relaxes by playing golf. And, 70 is the new 50 or something like that.
