Saturday, December 9, 2017

Mueller's Team is at its low point

"Sometimes I feel as though we are all living in a bizarre episode of The Twilight Zone, with Robert Mueller a notorious villain hell-bent on the destruction of an honest and decent sitting president, supported and encouraged by nefarious characters within a corrupt political system dominated by evil and heartless leaders.

Hopefully, we are nearing the end of Mueller’s dysfunctional charade of an investigation, loaded from the beginning with Trump-hating, Hitlery-loving ringers as investigators, all determined to nail President Trump with ANYTHING the can find."

Read the rest... about the Mueller Witch Hunt.


  1. It really is frightening that the FBI has gleefully let itself be used by one political party to destroy the other political party. This is the definition of a Banana republic.The FBI and the Obama administration never thought to cover their tracks because Hillary Clinton was supposed to win. Time for the Congress and Senate to clean house at the highest levels of the FBI.

  2. Mueller and his team are the real crooks.

    Jeff Sessions, wake up and prosecute the evildoers.
