Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Jeff Flake really is a flake

Hey Jeff Flake, What You Just Did Was Really Dumb

Read what Flake did... What a spoiled sport.


  1. Given your track record, not too surprising that "country over politics" seems dumb to you, Lynn.

  2. I'm a conservative. I've always been a conservative. You don't like that--tough.
    As said, these were unproved allegations from 40 years ago. This is bull chit and a Democratic ploy to bring down the Republican candidate right before the election.
    I believe it is liberals who are sacrificing our country and democracy for their deplorable policies.

  3. lynn one thing your blog is showing is how these people are running scared and by not listening to others they cant go seems the more they don't get what they want the nastier they are.remember sticks and stones. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL

  4. "Those who find it morally acceptable to molest children do not belong in the Senate. Those who find it morally acceptable to kill children do not either."

  5. Abortion is legal.

    Molesting children is not.


  6. IF you are referring to Roy Moore and teenagers from 38 years ago saying he came on to them in some fashion, those allegations can NOT be proved and Moore denies them.
    So, what happened to innocent until PROVEN guilty? What happened to rights in this country? Due process? It's all a "he said; she said." And as much as liberals think it's ok to kill babies and think it's ok to smear someone's reputation because of politics or that they want the vote that badly, it's not ok, not by people who actually say--
    "AMEN." Keep Christ in Christmas.

  7. 10:39pm it's a stretch to call unsubstantiated allegations child abuse. Well hidden is the fact these "children" accepted dates with an "older man" anyone can say anything and it spirals out of control when public opinion goes berserk.
