Friday, December 22, 2017

Hudson Holdings just can't get it together

Hudson Holdings, the investor/developer who bought the Gulfstream Hotel in Lake Worth in the historic district with the stated goal of renovating it to its splendor of the past, was just turned down by the Historic board in Delray for its lofty goals involving their plan to demolish some historic buildings as well as to rehabilitate and relocate others. Hudson Holdings also planned to build condominiums, stores and an underground parking garage.

This development was to be on Swinton Avenue which is south of Atlantic. Hudson Holdings offices are also on Swinton.

Lake Worth bent over backwards for Hudson Holdings and all it did was get a poke in the eye and voters mad when the Lake Worth commission of Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso, did not honor our heights amendment vote won at the ballot box. Instead, they gave Hudson whatever it wanted and the mayor cleverly made the area a hotel district.

To this day, the Gulfstream Hotel languishes.

Delray Beach was smarter than we by rejecting Hudson for the sixth time.

Read about it...


  1. Instead we have the "nicotene" addict, the bathroom cruiser,The mute idiot,the guy who got fired from Burger King and a confused soul who doesn't know where he really lives!!!
    Meanwhile the hair model and Coconut man are working behind the scenes to get rid of our business owners in the industrial areas of town. Yee Haw! Moving forward!!!

  2. 10.02 has some colorful words there but instead of name calling why don't you try running for office to get them out of there.some of us have tried maybe you can do it.dont get me wrong I have no respect for these 5 and would like to see all of them nailed.pretty good when someone pays your theft off or you don't have to pay your light bill till after it s back on or you go without a license because a renewal was not delivered to you

  3. Gee you DICK at 7:08-Any words for the "colorful " descriptions of 12:24? Why don't YOU fuc$ing run,ass wipe??? No respect for the shells on this Commission? Really??? Then stop defending them. God ,grow some balls you fence sitting crab.
