Friday, December 1, 2017

Finance Director Lake Worth Resigns


December 1, 2017

Contact: Ben Kerr, Public Information Officer
Phone: 561.586.1631

Resignation of Marie Elianor, City of Lake Worth Director of Finance

Marie Elianor, the Director of Finance for the City of Lake Worth has tendered her resignation with the City, effective December 15. Marie has served as the Director of Finance since February 2016, and during her tenure with Lake Worth, the Finance Department has celebrated multiple successes thanks to her leadership.

In Marie’s time with the City, the Finance Department has received multiple awards and under her direction has seen significant operational improvements. In September the department was awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association. The same organization in May presented the department with a Distinguished Budget Award. In preparation for the Neighborhood Road Program Marie and her team were able to work with credit rating agencies to achieve a very strong credit rate for the City which reduced the interest liability and lowered the amount of additional taxes residents faced for the bond program. Throughout her time in the City she has worked to develop the Finance department into a professional and transparent asset for the City.

Marie has been offered and has accepted the position of Finance Director for Cooper City, where she currently resides.

“Marie has been instrumental in helping the Finance department and the city organization get to the next level. I empathize with her desire to focus on the next stage of her career closer to home. I am grateful to have worked with Marie and expect many good things in her future.” ~City Manager Michael Bornstein

“I love the City and although my time with the City has been shorter than I had planned, I hope my contributions have been impactful. It has truly been a pleasure to serve the City.” ~Lake Worth Finance Director, Marie Elianor.

Please contact Ben Kerr, the City of Lake Worth Public Information Officer with any questions or comments.


  1. They can't keep a finance director.

  2. I am sure they cannot keep a decent finance director because the city manager and elected try to do so many unethical moves with money and accounts, they are crooked and corrupt and people just do not like working for organizations like this. The leaders have already shown their true colors and dishonesty with the good people here. Stealing such high salaries for them, 90% raises, who gets 90% raises at their jobs? yet this is not even a job, it is an elected position, not a job. crooked andy, pam, and scott will some day have to answer to their maker and it is not going to be pleasant for them. People always talk about crooked Hillary, we have three crooked's right here in Lake Worth plus the manager likely does a lot of crooked things too. Pray for them all!

  3. McVoy donated his hard earned salary for the poor people of Venezuela, democracy is great when it works!

  4. Democracy is great. Christopher had the right to give his salary to poor folks or anyone he so chose. We have plenty of poor people right here in Lake Worth, a city he represented.
