Thursday, December 28, 2017

CNN Loses It

After not caring about President Obama’s golf habit for eight years, CNN suddenly finds it imperative for a functioning democracy for them to document every stroke of President Trump’s outings at his courses.

During CNN Newsroom on Wednesday, fill-in host Don Lemon and reporter Dan Merica were losing their minds over someone parking a box truck to block a gap in some hedges CNN was using to peep on the President.

The network’s mouth foaming outrage began on Tuesday when political reporter Manu Raju gloated on Twitter that part of Trump’s round of golf was “captured by CNN cameras.” Raju’s description of his colleagues “capturing” video of Trump sounded more like they were trying to film a nature documentary or hunting Bigfoot rather than doing serious reporting. [News Busters}

Read the rest of the story...


  1. And after tracking Obama's vacays and golfing for 8 years, all of a sudden Judicial Watch, Fox News, this blog and 48% of Americans could care less.

    See how that works!

  2. The difference in Trump playing golf and Obama, is that Trump plays at his own courses and stays at his owned facilities. And work actually gets done!

  3. Let's not ever forget Michelle Obama's frivolous vacations to eat ice cream in different countries.

  4. "Let's not ever forget Michelle Obama's frivolous vacations to eat ice cream in different countries."

    Lemme guess...Powdered Wig!

    The moon is made of green cheese, folks. And always wait an hour after eating before you go swimming!

  5. So we all should continue to lie about the entitled, abusive Obama years after all we really know, quote that, green cheese eater.

  6. Our new first Lady Melania has yet to take 200 of her closest friends on a tax payer funded trip to Spain,like Moochele Obama ,our previous first lady did. When Melania does that,we'll talk.

  7. Anon at 5:52....please see green cheese comment.
