Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christian tourism in Israel up 20%

20% increase reported, and Israel’s tourism professionals seeking to expand Christian tourism even more.

"Despite the on-going geopolitical drama related the impending move of the American embassy to Jerusalem, Israel is seeing a surge in the number of Christians visiting the holy sites this year.

Israel’s Tourism Ministry is preparing to welcome tens of thousands of Christian pilgrims over the Christmas season, finishing up a record-breaking year as the number of tourists reaches 3.5 million people in 2017.

A 20 percent increase in Christian visitors is expected over the holiday season compared to last year, according to Tourism Minister Yariv Levin, who attributed the record growth to his ministry’s ongoing international tourism campaign."



  1. Two of my Christian friends who live in my community went to Israel this year.

  2. Go Trump! Go Israel! However- Israel is not on the top of my travel want to go list !
