Tuesday, December 19, 2017

California proposing to spend $1 billion on Illegal Alien healthcare

Democrats, who have a monopoly of power in California politics, are proposing to spend $1 billion a year to provide health care to illegal immigrants living in the state. Medi-Cal, which is the state’s Medicaid program, would eliminate legal residency requirements.

Read about it...


  1. Glad that Trump is rounding up these gang bangers who are illegal.
    and HR 3697 was passed in the House. It would prevent non-Americans suspected of gang activity from coming to the U.S. It would also allow for the deportation or detainment of immigrants already here who are suspected of gang involvement.

    Last fiscal year, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) removed more than 2,000 suspected gang members from the country, but only after they were convicted of another crime. This legislation would allow for their potential removal prior to that.

    No more sanctuary status would help these bums. they have a membership of 70,000.

    So, to the person who just tried to post (anonymously of course) here calling me a racist POS for using this graphic, so sad, too damn bad.

  2. There's no racism in the truth.
