Sunday, December 24, 2017

Bernie fans love the Trump Tax Plan

Ami Horowitz interviewed a procession of liberal weenies in New York’s East Village (“Liberal Mecca,” Horowitz calls it ) on the new GOP tax plan, telling his subjects that the plan is really Bernie Sanders’ tax plan. [Powdered Wig Society]


  1. So let me get this straight, Ami tells liberals about the more "liberal" elements of Trump's tax plan and they love it! Who knew? It's amazing.

    I wonder what they would have said about the elimination of the local and state tax deduction. Or the elimination of the estate tax. Or the fact that the wealthy, by far, benefit as a result of the changes. Or that the ACA mandate was eliminated as part of the bill. Or that drilling in the ANWR was approved as part of the bill.

    We'll never know because Ami only talks about the things he knows liberals will agree with and [probably] edits out everything else or the most undesirable of the responses.

  2. i think they are too young to be concerned about paying taxes and they definitely wouldn't know a thing about the estate tax that only affects the top 10% of income earners. And why should the super wealthy be taxed twice? I'm NOT a socialist.
    You don't think that Bernie supporters might be dumb? LOL.

  3. I don't know about Bernie supporters but based upon this clip I do know about Ami and his pointless video.

  4. You can accept or not accept. I wouldn't imagine that a liberal would accept any sort of truth without dicing and twisting it. Those were Bernie supporters--liberals--proving that at least some are clueless.
