Monday, December 11, 2017

Attacking Roy Moore - Obama behind it?

Highway 31 is a shell independent expenditure group used by three secretive D.C.-based consulting firms run by former Obama campaign staffers as a vehicle to fund attacks on Roy Moore in the Alabama election

The total spent by Highway 31 since its formation on November 6 to attack Roy Moore now exceeds $4 million, all of it funded either as an in-kind donation from these three firms founded by Obama campaign staffers or by unknown donors.

Read about it...


  1. Obama is behind everything that is is bad in this country and President Trump is responsible for everything good. I'm not quite sure everyone with a brain doesn't understand this.

  2. Obama is no more than an agitator with money now.why wasn't he at the cival rights museum saturday

  3. Maybe he was shilling for Doug Jones

  4. Highway 31 ? Should be called Area 51.
