Friday, December 22, 2017

Apple I-Phones

Apple finally admits to slowing down your older iPhone

Apple claims they have slowed down the performance of some of their older phones to preserve battery life.

I bought myself a Christmas present and chose the Apple as everyone said it was the best. Now that I bought my first smart phone, the I-Phone 8 Plus, in a few short years I now can expect that I will have to upgrade? After spending a bloody fortune?

Read about it...


  1. A new battery that will fix the problem costs $80 installed. But by all means, jump on the anti-Apple bandwagon if it makes you feel better.

  2. Mind Less--yes you are...What would make me feel better is if you would stop all your pot shots here. Take a hike.
    NO one is against Apple and NO one is jumping on an anti-Apple bandwagon.
    You sure jump to conclusions. I am sure that Apple will devise a better battery for future phones.

  3. I always suspected that all tech, not just Apple do this, it is a Chinese thing or big business, they want you to buy new ever year or two, so they do this to make your techn run slower as it ages, I have seen it with computers, laptops, tablets, and cell phones and smartphones, it is their trick to get you to always buy newer by making it start to run slower and then you get frustrated with it. it is unfortunate, but I believe it is not just Apple doing this, but all big tech, they do it on purpose to make you then want to buy new or the next better version. So sad! The greed and corruption from big business s so real.
