Wednesday, November 29, 2017

We're looking at the books, Pocahontas

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  1. Oh look, Lake Worth white nationalist Lynn Anderson is using a racial slur.


  2. LOL.
    Pocahontas doesn't know what a racial slur is--neither do you it seems.

  3. Warren is the dishonest person. She lied to get a cushy job.Perfect fora democrat politician.

    Lynn is reporting facts and thankfully is on the side of our great President.

  4. Jennifer, keep siding with andy a and the other crooks in Lake Worth and then wonder why you have to keep dealing with all the crime, blight, and illegals drunk all over making life crazy there. warren is not the only dishonest one, we have a lot right here in Lake Worth that are too, blatant crooks and corrupt people stealing from good tax paying citizens here in the city. Do you think they really care about the poor and illegals? No it is all about $, they are greedy, it is all just a façade!

  5. 8:12am thanks for a fine display of ignorance courtesy of our college system and medical marijuana.

  6. Lynn, explain to us your definition of a racial slur. Thanks.

  7. The New urban Dictionary says: The expression has one very good use. Whenever you hear the expression "racial slur," you have convincing evidence that you are in the presence of a sissy liberal. You can roll up your sleeves and prepare to bash the worthless liberal.

  8. Elizabeth Warren deserves any crap that can be dished out just for being annoying. It was a racial slur when Obama stated that his new dog was "a mutt" like him.

  9. That's what I thought. As always. thanks for clarifying things, Lynn.
