Monday, November 27, 2017

Welfare Reform Next

And we will see the liberals go "bananas" as some really feel that working is cruel and unusual punishment.

Two writers for Forbes said:
“The current welfare system provides such a high level of benefits that it acts as a disincentive for work. Welfare currently pays more than a minimum-wage job in 35 states, even after accounting for the Earned Income Tax Credit,” which offers extra subsidies to low-income workers who take work. In 13 states [welfare] pays more than $15 per hour.”
There is a lot of cheating and fraud that occurs within our welfare system.

Read about it...

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Lynn, this needs to stop it is a disincentive to even work today, they all know how to work the system, with tax credits, or free rent by not marrying their boyfriends, yet they live with them and get free rent money from the government. Even all the illegals know what to do, free hospital for children, free school and lunch, yet them and their spouses work and make tons of money under the table and pay NO taxes, and get all these freebees from the government and good tax payers. It is funny when you go to watch the kids be picked up by their parents at Highland Elem School. The immigrants children parents come with big SUV's and expensive $50K cars, yet their kids get free lunches and their parents both work under the table and pay no taxes. Almost every Latino supermarket you go to here in this area, the people pay with the foodstamp cards. There is too much abuse of the system today and no one wants to work or make it look like they don't so they can get freebees from the government.
