Sunday, November 12, 2017

Veterans Day in Lake Worth

I chose a few photos from yesterday's Veterans Day event in Lake Worth. It was a perfect day for a parade and festivities that were held at the Cultural Plaza. The Colors were presented by the Lake Worth Jr. ROTC with the singing of the National Anthem by the John I. Leonard Lancer choir. It was perfection. The emcee was Lake Worth's Greg Rice.  The keynote speaker was Lt. Col Goode, Marine Corps Forces Reserve.

Palm Beach County Commissioner and home-grown Lake Worthian, Dave Kerner spoke during the ceremony as well as member of the Florida House of Representatives, Lori Berman who was also in the parade.  She is term limited this year and she confirmed that she will be running for Jeff Clemens' seat in the Florida Senate. U.S. Congresswoman, Lois Frankel, was in the parade as well. She walked the entire parade.

Lake Worth had the unveiling of the Rotary Military Monument by Retha Lowe and Mayor Pam Triolo.

The festivities concluded with the PBSO Honor Guard Gun Salute and bugler TAPS performance.


  1. That monument is beautiful!

  2. I want to mention that the bagpiper is our communications director, Ben Kerr. It was great! Thanks, Ben.

  3. Lori Berman's credentials leave Clemons in the shade. I don't think it would be a bad swap.
