Thursday, November 9, 2017

The lights are out in Lake Worth


4,000 LED lights were installed in the city over one year ago by Siemens. They tell us that it will save us $250,000 a year but I was always sceptical of that claim. Perhaps now the city can come clean and tell us if they did indeed save $250,000. The commission, along with the city manager, made a big deal out of spending money to save money.

The CITY’s installation project totaled approximately $22,964,693 of which $11,259,014 is Direct Purchase of Equipment from vendors and $11,705,679 (that's MILLIONS) is the Contract Sum due to SIEMENS for the Work. Add that up.

The new lights cost $3 million but now, after the hurricane, 718 of them are still out. The new utility director wants to hire an outside firm to get them back working. What will all of this cost?

Read about it...


  1. I saw some working on the light poles early this morning.

  2. I wonder what percentage of the ones installed 718 amounts to. Why would they hire a different firm than the ones that installed them? I distinctly remember when those lamps were installed, they didn't even use a bucket truck. It's a wonder those installers weren't killed. None of this makes any sense.

  3. Well Folks welcome to ever going issues called Lake Worth Electric, always issues.
