Monday, November 6, 2017

Texas church murderer

YEP! Just as suspected, the Texas church mass murderer was a flaming LIBERAL sack o’ putrid skunk feces!

says, Thomas Madison, who doesn't beat around any bushes.

Read about it...


  1. You're a bomb thrower, Lynn. Nothing but a bomb thrower.

  2. So sorry it doesn't fit the CNN narrative 7:20pm

  3. This crime could just as easily have been committed by a conservative as a liberal. As we are experiencing more and more in our age of enlightenment, Big Pharma is responsible for most of our problems. Anti-Depressants are a factor in all of these mass shootings. You don't have to take my word for it. Just do the research yourself.

  4. Drug addicts are responsible for their own problems.
    We don't know if this guy was on drugs or not but he definitely had some mental issues.

  5. But they do know Lynn! These are not street drugs; they are SNRIs, TCA, MAOI inhibitors. Since he was a child he was on meds. He should have been in an institution, not the Air Force!

  6. Unfortunately we have a lot of mental health issues of people today in the USA, many come from the military who are not getting the support they need like this guy and look what happened. I recall many years ago I worked in a restaurant and worked with a guy who served in Vietnam and he had major issues and was a real problem where we worked, he even chased a old waitress one time with a huge knife because he got mad at her. Mental illness is on the rise I am afraid and our country is just not ready for it or able to help all until it is too late unfortunately.

  7. If this animal escaped from a mental hospital as was claimed,why was he not captured and put back in? Apparently his family knew where he was.
