Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Sex Scandal in the Hillary campaign

(Christian News Alerts) – Following the 2016 election, the American people heard Hillary Clinton come out and say that she lost the election due to sexism and misogyny. It turns out that there was sexism taking place, but not in the Republican party.

Read about it...


  1. If only she would have thrown in some racism and bigotry, she would have won!

  2. Hey, Lynn, hear about Republican Joe Barton today?

  3. I'm bored with the entire sex thing especially what some men did or might have done years ago. You all started it. I doubt if I would be interested in Joe Barton's naked body.

  4. "I'm bored with the entire sex thing..."

    Excuse me. What is this blog post about?

    For Pete's sake...are you ever consistent in anything you say or believe?

  5. Look--problem child...just because I am bored with it does not mean I should not report on it. I know that you know your gal Hillary is corrupt.
    Take a hike. Don't eat any turkey bones tomorrow. God forbid.
