Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Sean Hannity on Roy Moore

Keurig pulled its ads from his show. Now fans are
Smashing their Keurig coffee makers...


  1. Brilliant! Burn your NFL gear and destroy coffee machine. Hope you feel better by acting like spoiled little children.

  2. It continues to amaze me with people who call Trump and Republicans every name in the book but go after anyone who supports a conservative. You guys can demonstrate all over the place even in Washington DC but someone else who wants to make a point, oh, no, not cool, we are all spoiled babies. At least these people aren't hitting people on the heads with clubs like you anarchists often do.

  3. Wouldn't it be smarter if you sold your NFL gear and coffee machines and donated the money to a good cause, Sell them on Craigslist or Offerup or whatever for $10, you would stop someone from possibly purchasing a new unit, heck donate the money to the Republican Party. Why just destroy them you coulda really made them look stupid for pulling the ads.

  4. Anon at 1:32 Wouldn't it be better to go volunteer at a homeless shelter? Oh wait,you guys are too busy marching around in pink pussy hats a and howling at the moon!

  5. Those coffee machines are an environmental pox, the K cups take up half the coffee aisle and the taste is bland.

  6. Sean Hannity is a RINO!! He turned on Judge Moore tonight. If you hadn't gone to bed 2 hours ago, Lynn, you would have seen it!!! WTH am I going to do for coffee tomorrow AM? My coffee machine is gone and why??? WHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY?

  7. He didn't "turn"on him. He though some of his answers were weak and believes he needs to come out more forceful about it all.
    As far as your coffee maker, buy a Cuisinart. :) AND, don't forget to stand for the National Anthem and our flag.

  8. At 10:10pm calm down Wes, write your insipid blog.

  9. Americas forefathers protested taxation against the British by throwing tea into Boston Harbour, today we are smashing coffee making machines. Can't this stuff up, influenced by a tv News personality. So sad.

  10. @1:42...actually it was influenced by liberals not believing that people are innocent until proven guilty. This company pulled its advertising...their problem.
