Saturday, November 18, 2017

Quote of the Day - Margot Kidder

“Corruption is corruption is corruption no matter how many laws there are allowing it. Or, to put it otherwise: finding deceit, dishonesty, lies, and corruption involving Hillary Clinton is like finding sand at the beach. It is everywhere the eye can see."

~ Lois Lane, a/k/a/ Margot Kidder

Talking about Donna Brazile and the Hillary Clinton corruption.


  1. The LW city elected are corrupt and crooks and do it all out in the opened, they jack their salaries up 90% stealing from the city landowners who pay taxes so these crooks can live high on the hog off of good tax paying constituents. Crooks, that is what andy, pam, and scott are and then they wonder why all the good people sell and move our of the city leaving only renters and slumlords.

  2. I think it's part of their plan, since they don't live in LW. Drove down N "E" street and it looks like a bomb was dropped on it.

  3. Waters and Bornstein know if they force out the businesses and low income residents,then the cheap land will be available for their development buddies. All for a very cool under the table price,of course. And BTW- why were our ball fields in the north end upzoned? The owner of the ill fated hotel that is still closed was promised our beach and our golf course by Bornstein several years ago,so is this a new deal in the works for some "friends"?
