Saturday, November 18, 2017

PBSO investigating two murders involving MS-13

Targeting MS-13 means overlooking victims' immigration status, PBSO chief says

After murders of undocumented workers, deputies arrest 6 accused gang members

Read about the MS-13 gang killers... in Lake Worth. With so many illegal aliens in our city, it's a field day for gangs.The headline "kills me" saying that PBSO overlooks immigration status. They always overlook immigration status. Nothing new and then they tell us we're not a sanctuary city. The gangs know where to come to prey on the vulnerable.


  1. Until we get rid of Sheriff Bradshaw nothing will change.

  2. WTF ? The feds and PBSO didn't know there were MS13 gang members in Lake Worth?? They could have asked anybody who lives here. Or looked at the graffiti all over town. Jesus!

  3. Really? 10:21am you know more than the police? They watch, wait and build a case. No one gets arrested over graffiti.

  4. In Singapore they would be arrested for Graffiti. That's why they don't have any there. If you want to live in a well ordered society, the laws have to be enforced. If you want to live in a sewer, you live here.
