Friday, November 24, 2017

Outlaw businesses that hire Illegal Aliens

"The recent passage of mandatory E-Verify by the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee brings us one step closer to ending the root cause of most illegal immigration into the United States — outlaw businesses that hire illegal immigrants. Illegal border crossings, visa overstays, and children born in the United States to parents here illegally would all be dramatically reduced or eliminated if we ended the ability for outlaw employers to take advantage of those that arrive here illegally.

There are hundreds of thousands of young-adult children of undocumented immigrants who have been here since childhood because we have allowed outlaw employers to hire and employ their parents illegally for decades. Roughly one-half of the nation’s undocumented immigrant population results from visitors who entered legally but who do not leave when their time is up because Congress continues to refuse to mandate the well-tested and widely used E-Verify system. When visitors sense that illegal employment is widespread, the temptation to break their visa agreements grows stronger."

Read the rest of Ken Blackwell's opinion...


  1. Along with E Verify we must also end chain migration and anchor babies.

  2. Our country does not want to end these because they want our population to grow to need more and use more to increase the GPC, they want us to populate, build more houses, grow grow, it is their mentality.

    Law and order, what is that. Now the good people of the USA have no respect for the government or law enforcement of the USA because they do not enforce the rules and laws we have, especially against illegal employment.

    They overlook all these illegals coming in so they can do all this labor cheap and not pay taxes, big business, politicians, are both to blame for over looking all of this.

    They should do more what Europe does and have the Americans and allow people to move around in the Americans to work, but do it all in a law and order fashion, with proper work documentation and paying their fair share of taxes.

    bet they will never do anything about all of this, it has happened for thousands of years now.

  3. Parts of Europe are one big mess thanks to the immigrants and especially the Muslims.

  4. You don't know nothing about what goes on in Europe beside what you read online fake News trash!

  5. If you're talking to me anonymous at 11:35--It's "you don't know ANYTHING..."
    Also, @11:04--BUILD THE WALL! :)
