Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Latest Roy Moore Poll

Judge Roy Moore Leads Liberal Doug Jones 58% to 35% in latest Tribune Poll

We keep reading that Doug Jones is ahead. Even Fox News reported last night that Moore was behind by less than a point. But not in this poll that was conducted in Alabama--

Judge Roy Moore Leads Liberal Doug Jones 58% to 35% in latest Tribune Poll by Jim Hoft

The Trussville Tribune reported:
"In an unscientific online poll conducted by The Trussville Tribune, Republican Roy Moore led Democrat Doug Jones by a healthy margin.
The poll limited participating IP addresses to one entry and had 2,741 participants. The Tribune covers the cities of Trussville, Clay, Pinson, Center Point, Argo and Springville in Jefferson and St. Clair counties.

When asked who participants would vote for in Alabama’s U.S. Senate race, 58.5 percent chose Moore over Jones with 35 percent. Less than 4 percent said they would not vote and less than 2 percent said they would write in a candidate.

Asked if they were affiliated with a political party, 46.5 percent of participants identified as Republican, 33 percent said they were independent, and 22 percent said Democrat.

The poll participants identified as conservative 55 percent of the time, moderate 30 percent, and liberal 15 percent.

Asked if they believed the allegations about Moore, 50 percent did not, 36 percent did believe the allegations and 14 percent were undecided."


  1. Who are you pulling for, Lynn?

    The alleged child molester or the Democrat??

  2. The word "alleged" is the key. No proof.
    Next, take it to the bank when I say that I would NEVER vote for a Democrat.

  3. So does that mean you think the alleged child molester will make the best Senator?

  4. I'm here to say, "Happy Thanksgiving. I'm voting for a child molester!"

    I'd vote for ISIS if it would piss you libs off. That's how much it makes me happy. Get over it, losers!

  5. What I am saying is that Roy Moore, who has not been found guilty of a damn thing, expounds conservative values. Doug Jones, on the other hand, is against everything-- opposes Trump's border wall ... who is for full-term abortions, loves sanctuary cities, who is for more gun restrictions, etc.

  6. You're not answering the question, Lynn. Do you believe the alleged child molester is the best choice for Alabama Senator? Yes or no?

    It's real easy.

  7. Quit goading me.
    It's real easy.
    Roy Moore has not been convicted of anything--it's BS.
    The voters of Alabama will make the choice. I think you're smart enough to know where I stand.

  8. Lynn supports Roy Moore over the Democrat who supports murder of unborn and even full term babies.

    The Roy Moore allegations are turning out to be politically motivated smears with little or no factual basis and the tear jerker with Gloria Allred has been proven a phony.

    And of course Roy Moore is the best choice over the baby murder enabler.

  9. Lets see ALLEGED child molester( a 40 YEAR OLD unprovable allegation by the way) or a guy who has publicly said it's OK to murder full term infants???
    I'll vote for the alleged child molester any day. And so apparently ,will the majority of the voters in Alabama.

  10. I knew you couldn't handle posting that comment. God, you're weak.

  11. Anonymous, you continually come over here and at times do not follow policy. If you can't do that, your comment will be rejected.
    You have zero credibility as you won't post under your real name but hide under anonymous cheap shots or worse. I know who is "weak" but liberals have a problem. Take a hike.

  12. 6:31 Why don't you have your own blog? Then you can control who posts and who doesn't. Oh wait,you're too weak to do the work that having your own blog would entail.

  13. The accusers aren't believable and their stories are ridiculous, unlike the actual damage caused by Bill Clinton and his enabler wife.
