Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Lake Worth High School Alumni Association Breakfast

Upper left:  Chad Drake and Dennis Dorsey; Upper right:  former Lake Worth commissioner, Honey Duncan; Lower Left:  Some of the crowd;  lower right:  Harold Gilmore, president of the LWAlumni foundation.

As Linda Pyle Cothes said on her Facebook page, "This morning, I had breakfast with a room full of people from my high school that graduated from the 1940s to the early 2000s. A room full of people that bowed their head for the benediction and STOOD with their hands over their hearts for the Pledge of Allegiance. It was AWESOME."

The alumni breakfast always meets at the Atlantis Country Club twice a year. This is a time to get together with friends and those involved in Dollars for Scholars. Doris Dorsey is chair of the affair.

Dollars for Scholars presented its balance sheet and it has $813,754.98 in the various accounts and scholarship  funds. The Alumni Association Dollars for Scholars has awarded $1 million in scholarships to worthy and needy students since 1999.


  1. If it is Alumni from Lake Worth High School, why don't you meet and use some facilities here in the City of Lake Worth? To support the city?

  2. The City of LW does not have a facility that comes close to the Atlantis CC. The casino ballroom is not set up for a large crowd and the room has to be set up and food has to be catered in. Atlantis works WITH the Alumni Association even with the alumni's golf tournament whereas LW was not interested.

  3. The alumni meeting starts at 7:30 AM. All the bars ,rubber chicken restaurants and their druggie staff in lake Worth businesses are all still asleep at that early hour.
