Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Illegal Immigrant living in a Texas Sanctuary County commits 2nd degree felony

Illegal immigrant goes on highway shooting rampage in Texas, wounding 4, including a 7-year-old girl in critical condition. Claims he was drunk

"The illegal, who has an outstanding ICE detainer, claims that he was drunk and doesn’t remember anything or why he was shooting at cars."

This happened in Austin, Texas that happens to be in Travis county, a sanctuary county.

Read about it...


  1. Keep electing the same local politicians in these sanctuary cities and you will keep getting these same tragic results.

  2. Only allowed to detain for murder, sexual assault or smuggling. What a wonderful place to live for an illegal criminal.

  3. Thanks for posting this as the media ignores these stories and has already swept under the rug the last truck terrorist attack in NY. Is it because the victims were mostly foreign tourists or is it because the perp is Muslim brought here courtesy of Obama's diversity program? Yet they won't stop reporting on the church tragedy almost like they're glad to do so. Criminal.

  4. Send him to California where Jerry Brown will welcome him as a Californian, ignoring his record.

    He can apply for welfare and food stamps until real Californians get rid of the insane politicians in office now.

  5. We could make California a penal colony. Jane Fonda can run it.
