Thursday, November 23, 2017

Give me a "high five!" instead of a hug

Children Now Warned Against Hugging Their Family During the Holiday Season

Liberals have gone stark, raving mad and need to stay out of parenting.  The Girl Scouts have an article on raising "happy girls" and say one in ten girls are sexually abused so children, don't hug your family, especially during holidays and family get-togethers..

Hillary said, "It takes a village to raise a child." No, it takes a loving family that gives hugs and shows love, giving comfort and security to their children. Tell them often how much you love them.


  1. the libs are reaching for anything they can to destroy the fiber of our society.GOD bless the girl scouts and I hope this article doesn't hurt the family togetherness we so despertly need.i will keep giving hugs to my kids,grandkids and great grandkids.they are my future and I am theirs

  2. This isolation causes girls to seek out human touch in the most inappropriate ways once they're out on their own making them vulnerable to predators and just creepy relationships.
