Friday, November 24, 2017

DOJ files lawsuits

Thankfully, President Donald Trump and AG Sessions have put the safety and well-being of our nation and children ahead of the citizenship of criminal immigrants — as it should be. Watch the crazy ACLU get involved.

Read about it...


  1. Do you think we can do the same thing for the folks who vote molesters into Congress?

  2. Well, George--we're talking about illegal aliens here.
    As far as child molesters as Congressmen or voting for them, if it is proved that someone is a child molester, the voters will not vote for him. If someone is accusing someone, such as Roy Moore, and there is ZERO proof from some incident of nearly 40 years ago, then he has every right to be elected if the voters so choose.
    It would be better to strip citizenship from those who are hurling false accusations for political reasons and ruining the reputation of a respected judge in the State of Alabama. Too many things have come to light now that prove these allegations are false.

  3. I'll take the words of 9 women, some of whom are registered Republicans and Trump voters, over the word of one man any day. The only reason you wouldn't is for political reasons.

    As far as the proof that these allegations are false as you say, please direct me to a reputable site where I can follow up as I have seen zero that discredits what is being alleged.


  4. Where would Bill and Hill go to?

  5. @8:46...stop being such a man-hater. Try reading the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 11.

  6. "...please direct me to a reputable site where I can follow up as I have seen zero that discredits what is being alleged."

    Just as I suspected.

    Thanks, Lynn. You never disappoint.

  7. Do your own research. There are plenty of search engines. Don't use Google though...they are "cleansing" conservative fact sites by not directing you to them. :)
    P.S. Get lost.

  8. This post is about Obama not Moore. Twisting it around only gets the losing argument, if it weren't for his policies Kate Steinle wouldn't have been murdered in a sanctuary city by a Mexican. Fact.
