Thursday, November 9, 2017

Anti-Trump Protesters are Clueless


  1. I know I have to deal with these same stupid people at work that do this too, they have more hate than really being able to say why he should be impeached or what the problems are with him. They are all so misguided. I wish we could all unite and stop all this madness and division that so many dems and liberals keep doing here.

  2. I have to deal with these stupid people in my condo where I live, the renters, who cannot follow any rules and have no consideration for others or our rules. Then when you tell them to "please stop breaking the rules." They tell the management you swore at them and were mean. No one wants any rules anymore and no one has any logic anymore, it is chaos and a free for all, everyone just thinks they have a right to ignore rules or following their own, and if they are corrected or told they are not following the rules, you are the bad guy who is the meany. It makes no sense. I wish I bought in a condo that did not allow renters that is my regret now. Dealing with all these righteous imbeciles who don't need to adhere to rules, just because they don't think they should have to. Drives me crazy!

  3. I'm 100% a rules person. If you don't like rules, you change them, LEGALLY.
    In my condo, the renters are fine as we only allow seasonal renters. It's some of the owners who bought here to have an inexpensive place to go for a Florida vacation. We have a handful of snowbirds who ignore rules and hate your guts when you mention it to them. They are so arrogant that they continue to break rules knowing without a fining committee, there is nothing you can do. Fining committees are impossible to get as people don't even want to be on boards. If they had to pick-up a palm frond, horrors. As I was told by a director, "I'm here to enjoy my life." He wants everyone else to do the work and doesn't want you to hire someone to do that work either.

  4. These awful people with their awful language is NOT satire. This happened. The inset of Hannity on the left is not understandable other than the Left hate his guts and depict him as a gun toting A-H

  5. This video depicts just how batshitt crazy and uninformed the anti Trump crowd is courtesy of the media manipulation, how easy for them to divide our country. The media could probably get some of them to jump off a cliff. Reports of college professors some with phd, living in cars because they don't get enough pay to live in exclusive college towns. Yet they'd rather do what they love. In reality they can't do real work and here's a clue: gather 4 pals and rent a one bedroom apartment like you did when you were in college and daddy paid.

  6. I agree 100% with the video just thought the comment here where satirical with the 'get of my lawn' attitude that's all. See you at the Veteran Day parade.

  7. I agree with you Lynn, our BOD is all from up north and have all their meetings by phone and have no clue what it is really like here for us and the manager here will not enforce anything. I wish we only allowed seasonal renters, it is bad where I am, the renters are getting out of control. I despise this mentality of saying you are mean because you want to rules enforced. So many people today act as if rules are for everyone else but them only then when it affects them. I want all rules adhered to and people to respect their other residents around them, but so many people are SO SELFISH today. That is the big problem.

  8. I'm so happy we changed our documents in or around 2004 only allowing renters, not less than 3 months and no more than 6 months. We get a good class of renter.
    The only way you can affect change is run and get elected to the board. Otherwise, your only option is to sue and that's a losing proposition. I resigned where I live nearly 3 years ago and retained an attorney. 2.5 years later, I am now president here. Can't wait for the annual meeting where I will get beat to a pulp by these rule breakers. What they don' realize, I'm use to getting beat happens daily on this blog. Bring it on!

  9. Lynn, it is because you CARE! That is what matters. People like us that care speak out and want the best for us having a decent quality of life, we deserve it. All these rule breakers and careless people drive me crazy in my condo and in society as a whole. Today at the gym I saw this Cuban couple with their 14 year oldish son all working out, but then none of them ever broke down any of the weights from the machine or cleaned up after using the equipment, although the sign in front of them says to do it in English, which I am sure their son who goes to school here and speaks English can read. What message does this send to children when even the parents do not follow the rules and be good examples in our society. Then you wonder why there are SO MANY problems in our country and world. So sad! People need to care enough to do what is right! But most don't today, so so sad!

  10. To the anonymous poster who just said and was answering a comment of mine:
    "Bomb Thrower Lynn has left a new comment on your post "Anti-Trump Protesters are Clueless":

    "I'm use to getting beat happens daily on this blog. Bring it on!"
    Commenters do bring it on. And you delete their comments. So courageous.

    And don't tell me you have any kind of policy, snowflake. Your policy is shit and you know it.

    So brave....oh, so brave."
    I am 100% more brave than you are. I post under my own name. You are a lowly coward. I am talkign about meaningful debate, not BS from you
