Saturday, November 11, 2017

Another Democrat bites the dust


  1. Why isn't this all over the news like the gutter politics attacking Judge Moore of Alabama? WHY?

  2. Yeah,why isn't this front page news?????
    Our media is an official enemy of the people .They are doing everything in their power to destroy this nation.Time to shut them down.

  3. Good question, yesterday I noticed while Fox is showing the Veterna's day ceremony in Arlington, CNN is just bashing Pres. Trump talking about his connections to Putin. When will the other half wake up and see how Fox News really is much more fair and balanced. CNN is so leftist and liberal and will never try to make Pres. Trump look good. What I do not like about them too, is they say Trump a lot, not his title President Trump, which is wrong and disrespectful. I will not watch CNN at all. Them like the Palm Beach Post both can rot away with no viewers, they are doing it to themselves.

  4. The FAKE NEWS MEDIA, anonymous at 9:30--don't put me on.

  5. If the guy was running for Senator and was backed by a Democratic President, the Democratic Congress and a number of high profile Democratic senators, I imagine it would be all over the media, Anon at 9:07. But since the guy was a local eastern PA commission president, it's a story being covered extensively by the left-of-center Philly Inquirer.

  6. I imagine not, Fanny. JFK and Bill Clinton are still on pedestals in spite of being predators. The "girl's" own mother is shaming her story of inconsistency in the Moore case.
