Saturday, November 18, 2017

Al Franken - Bombshell revelation

41-Year-Old Franken Bombshell Sheds New Light: I Don’t Like Homosexuals, Glad That Homosexual Got Killed

As everyone is holding everyone accountable for something that might have happened decades ago, here is what Al Franken said when he was age 25.

It could be just as bad--now Democrats are saying Keith Ellison, a convert from Catholicism to Islam when he was 19, should run for Franken's senate seat.


  1. Al Franken thought of himself as funny. He never was. How did this guy get elected?

  2. If they're not vigilant MN could become an Islamic state.

  3. You would think that “being sexually attracted to children” would be be a disqualifier for Senator. Instead, Republicans are fighting to keep Moore on the ticket. Weird.

  4. I would think that in America people would understand that you are INNOCENT until proven guilty.
    Liberals don't want to understand that.
    Most Republicans understand that. Nothing "weird" about it.

  5. Well anon at 9:38 this is still America. Innocent until proven guilty. If just a 40 year old accusation is enough to keep someone out of office,then we will never have another election again.And don't think that Americans can't see thru the hypocrisy of the Frankin vs. Moore press coverage. Democrats must always make a sincere apology,even with photographic proof and an admission of yes I did it.. Republicans must immediately step down.With no proof.And a firm denial. 'Just where does a person go to get their reputation back?

  6. It might be good if you all read Lolita. I am not a proponent of this behavior, but whether or not it is aberrant requires further study. One thing is certain: It is not new, and the shock I find in the media is nothing short of laughable. Is a fourteen year old girl really that young? The US has a problem with many behaviors that are quite common in other cultures. For instance: this is one of the few places where you cannot marry your first cousin. There are states in the US where it is legal to marry your first cousin, but in most states it is outlawed. Does the US know something that nobody else knows. I doubt it. Many of these taboos go back to our early founders from England. I think for the most part, these people were kicked-out of England. The Puritans of course. The ones who thought the Scarlet Letter would be a just punishment, and if that didn't suffice, there was always the final solution: burning them at the stake.

  7. We have laws in this country. The age of consent is 18. I quite frankly don't give a hot damn about "what is common in other countries". Slavery is common in other countries. So is child rape and the oppression of gays and women.As far as cousins marrying ,that's probably not a good idea genetically if there are other options available. These "taboos" started out as moral judgments. But these judgments were based on years of observation. When families were only reproducing within families,many times the off spring were not viable or were handicapped in some way. (Think Banjo Boy from deliverance).

  8. What, so now everybody is stable. Listen to yourself. You might be better off marrying a cousin you know, than somebody eles's cousin that you don't have a clue about their genetic make-up. There are countless recent examples of people going off the rails. Do you think that's because they married their cousin. I don't form judgements based on a 50 year old movie. Where did our laws come from? English Common Law! Are the English smarter than everybody else? What I am trying to point out is that a 14 year old girl is not an innocent helpless thing. We are trying to twist this society into something it will never be. Everything that is outlawed or legislated against, merely goes underground!
