Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Boynton Beach votes to have Medical Marijuana dispensaries

Last night on a 3/2 vote, Boynton Beach did something really stupid...they voted to have medical marijuana dispensaries. In August, they passed a motion that said they needed to vote two additional times in order to pass an ordinance to regulate them. The next vote is in November.

Gov. Rick Scott signed a law that went into effect July 1. It said that cities can't limit the number of shops in town. And state law says rules for locating dispensaries can't be tougher than those for pharmacies such as CVS and Walgreens.

Read about it... You won't believe it. There is another city as offbeat as Lake Worth.


  1. Down the road, we will all be smelling this stuff and we will be getting pot heads galore. Like your photo. haha.

  2. We already have potheads galore in Lake Worth. God, you cannot even walk down the street around here, go to the beach, or anyway, and people just smoke the stuff openly. Even you see a lot of older people smoking pot, older guys just walking down the street smoking a joint as if it were a cigarette. Why do so many people have to escape this world and be high all the time? What is wrong with our society?

  3. people don't have a mind to think for themselves.they are told by some idiot that this is a cure all and everyone is doing it "FAKE NEWS"
