Friday, August 4, 2017

Trump has had some extraordinary successes


  1. It will be interesting to see what Mueller's grand juries return on Trump and his clan. Who is going to roll on who and how long will Trumpsters and their news station stick with him will be fun to watch.

    Of course it will be the fault of the liberal media, Democrats and an unfair judicial system that he's convicted, impeached and put away.

    Don't laugh,'s a comin'.

  2. Your wishful hateful thinking. Gosh, how cool is it to go through life being so negative?

  3. It will REALLY be interesting to see what xxxxx"s grand jury returns on Clinton and HER clan!
    Trump investigation= nothing burger
    Clinton investigation = HOLY FRIGGIN $HIT !!!!!!!!

  4. "Negative?" I'm not the one threatening people and calling them names all the time.

    Grab some popcorn, Trumpies, we're taking out the White House trash.

  5. Ok Snowflake, we'll keep waiting and watching.
    The only "trash" is near the Whitehouse, not in it...some of the protesters (Women's march?) and the swamp "thangs."
