NEXT MEETING THURS. September 7, 2017 6:00 p.m.
Michael A. Barnett, Chair of the Palm Beach County Republican Party and Vice Chair of the Florida Republican Party, will be our Speaker on September 7. Mr. Barnett says, “I’ve been a longtime supporter, volunteer, grass-roots activist. I was vice chairman for two years, secretary two years before that, I’ve put in my dues and I’ve sacrificed for our Republican candidates. I’ve been a lifelong Republican. I believe in the values of our party.
Be with us to hear our Chair tell us what he deems most important and urgent.
$16 members and $19 non members includes hors d'oeuvres, your preferred drink, networking, a door prize raffle ticket, and a bonus or two. Please attend, and bring a guest.
About time that Republican officials demand that Mitch McConnell and other republicans start standing up for Trump !Democrats circle the wagons. Republicans shoot themselves in the foot.