Thursday, July 20, 2017

Shooter going to Court

Suspect nicknamed 'Slay' and twice convicted felon charged with shooting man 11 times in Lake Worth at the 1500 block of Railroad Avenue--

Read about it...


  1. Clicking on the link and I betcha he's going to be...a person of color.

    Bingo. Of course.

    You never disappoint.

  2. Glad I could help you out.
    It happened in LW, anonymous, race baiter. I don't look at race but obviously you go out of your way to do so. Why is that?
    The next time a shooting occurs in LW and its a white guy, post it. By my guest. On the Census report when it asks about race, do you mark "other" as you are very confused and hung up.

  3. Great response Lynne 8:10pm is psycho. Facts are the facts.
