Thursday, May 18, 2017

GL Homes wants to build in Ag Reserve

You can bet your last dollar that county commissioners will change their comprehensive plan for this developer--isn't this what elected officials always do?  Florida is for the developer, giving them waiver after waiver and changing land development regulations. Lake Worth fits right into this mentality as well.

Read about it... and GL Homes wanting to build 3,900 homes in the Ag Reserve.


  1. No surprise. Dave Kerner and the rest of the corrupt goo have to take care of their Sugar Daddys ,right?

  2. There should be a law that says the only home you can buy down here is an existing home. Pretty soon, all of the beauty that was once Florida will be gone, taken over by Planned Unit Developments. Who gives these commissioners the authority to lay waste to our land?

  3. Commissioners are only in it for the money. West Boca is a boxed in nightmare, one after another of those Planned Communities behind walls and landscaping on steroids.

  4. I LOVE landscaping on steroids. LOL.

  5. Humans; destroying their own environment.
