Sunday, March 19, 2017

North Korea inching towards nuclear war?

Kim Jong-un is one crazy lunatic--

As some of us are all concerned whether or not a former minority commissioner with a PhD answered his e-mails quickly enough and blaming him for not "moving the city forward" by voting him off the dais,  North Korea is positioning itself to blow up the region.

Read about it...


  1. It wouldn't surprise me if you had some disgruntled folks in this country saying it's Trump's fault or even agreeing with this psychopath.

  2. Nonsense, North Korea is a non factor. Just like this blog!

  3. hahaha,,,@3:01. that's not what Obama said about North Korea: Former President Barack Obama warned President Trump as he left office that North Korea would be “the most urgent problem” he would face.

  4. I think its funny how some of these " nonsense" people have selective memory when it comes to TRUE history of things going would they have liked it to be born in south korea and not knowing if they were going to get bombed by the wacko
