Sunday, March 5, 2017

Drew Martin recipient of Award

Democrat of the Year Awards Event at the Mariner's Museum last night

Congratulations to the WPB Democrats of the Year Award winners
 Madelene Krasinski and Drew Martin!


  1. The Dumb-O-Crats should all have their asses kicked for how they treated Drew Martin and threw him under the bus in favor of that weenie Kerner. Drew was ten times more qualified for the job of county Commissioner than Sheriff wannabe Kerner is.Drew is a much better person than me. I would have told them to take their award and shove it.

  2. Very Happy for Drew. It's a pity he wasn't elected to the County Commission.

  3. It's great he wasn't elected. Did he get the award from Frankel? What a beauty she is. Can she just go away yet?
