Sunday, February 19, 2017

Has Pope Francis lost his mind?


  1. You going to print the entire quote? Or are you going to peddle fake news?

  2. Breibart is an Alt-right, antisemitic, racist, and sexist fringe site. It holds no journalistic principles or values. Lynn, you know this and should rise above the use of click-bait. You can use your voice to heal or incite fear and hate. I urge you to move towards the latter.

  3. Coming from an Alt-Left, I really appreciate your advice.

  4. The "Alt-right" is a term coined and embraced by a leader in white supremacy and a frequent contributor to Breitbart who has since gained a strong following for his movement. 'Alt-left' was coined by the GOP as a term to use against the democrats who continue to defend our constitution, laws, and values. Lynn, I know you feel empowered and emboldened by your followers and the fear you incite but it is not real. You dont want to be on this side of history.

  5. You are a little screwed up about who is defending our Constitution. You guys need to calm down.
