Sunday, January 1, 2017

Quote of the Day - Alan Dershowitz

"..."If they now appoint Keith Ellison, who worked with Farrakhan, to be chairman of the DNC you’re going to see a lot of people leave. I’m going to tell you right here on this show and this is news, if they appoint Keith Ellison to be chairman of the Democratic Party, I will resign my membership to the Democratic Party after 50 years of being a loyal Democrat.” …….

~ Alan Dershowitz

speaking about the the most prominent Muslim elected official in America and supporter of Black Lives Matter, a terrorist organization.


  1. Dems are driving people away from their party in droves.
    Nominating Hillary Clinton was a strong start. They will lose millions more if they make Ellison, the anti-American Muslim, the chair.

  2. Loyalty is over rated
