Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Harry Poking Trump in Lake Worth

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Harry's Banana Farm, (a bar) 1919 N Dixie Hwy, Lake Worth

CBS Channel 12


  1. pretty disgusting from either side.was this done to get national advertising..FREE

  2. Occasionally the billboard is funny. Most times it's not funny or just gross. Like their one featuring masturbation. Really not great advertising for someone new driving into Lake Worth.

  3. Not funny. Somebody call the Secret Service.

  4. Funny is in the eyes of the beholder. I find a lot of his signs funny. One that he might want to put back up that's still topical today was "LW, a quaint little drinking town with a beach problem". OK, let the comments begin!

  5. That was a funny one ,Greg !

  6. Harry must be pretty old to remember that! I actually don't think we should celebrate our myriad character flaws. Something about airing dirty laundry. Harry would remember that one.
