Sunday, August 7, 2016

Benghazi Dad on Lying Hillary

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  1. Your candidate is endorsed by the Russian President who is the former head of the KGB.

    He disrespected a former POW and the family of a U.S. serviceman killed in battle.

    He refuses to release his tax returns.

    He mocks the disabled.

    You're a bomb thrower. Nothing more. Nothing less.

  2. and you're a total *&^%.

    Hillary hasn't released her 2015 tax returns.

    She mocks the police and sides with criminals and subversive groups like BLM

    She disrespected the families of those killed in Libya and lied to their faces even when the casket was being draped by the American flag.

    The Russians say that it is the Democrats who are evil and have facts to prove it.

    At least 46 people from Clinton's world have died under mysterious circumstances.

    You are nothing but a shill for the socialists/communists. Nothing more. Nothing less.

  3. Amen.Lynn. The truth gives Hillary supporters hives. Not all Democrats are crazy enough to support Dr.Evil with a va jay jay. Does Hillary even have a va jay jay anymore? Moochelle certainly doesn't. Back to the Hill-O-Bot. If she's not short circuiting(does that happen if she gets wet?)she's barking like a dog. Her natural state?

  4. Wait. You're referencing Russian propaganda and you're calling me a shill for communists? How ironic.

    Tell me, Lynn, do think 9/11 was an inside job? Alex Jones thinks so.

    And you actually think that Bill and Hillary are whacking people? By God, you are a Republican, after all.

    You and your kind have killed the Republican Party. Perhaps things will return to normal after all of you have departed in the next 10-15 years. Until then, Republicans are in the hands of a bunch of loons.

  5. I don't know who the LOON is who posted about Alex Jones, but he definitely is a dumb Democrat, one of the evil ones. Go see HILLARY'S
    AMERICA, you will learn the truth about the Democrat Party. Theyv'e
    tried to act as though Abraham Lincoln was a democrat but I dont think they really knew he was a Repuclican, and by the way the Democrat Party
    started the KKK, and you can check it out, The Democrats have been blaming the Republican Party for that fo years. Your party is not normal and the good Old Democrats are coming back to the Republican Party because of Trump. Take a hike

  6. Reading comprehension has never been your strong point so...

    "You're telling me I should drop dead?"

    No. I'm stating a fact. Statistically speaking, you, and a bunch of moonbat Republicans will be gone in 10-15 years. Until then, the Republican Party is going to have to admit that conservatism has been replaced by right wing extremism.

    "You are what I abhor in Democrats/socialists/communists"

    If they were all the same (as you so naively believe), Bernie Sanders would have been the Democratic nominee and the Russians would be helping HRC and not Trump.

    "I don't give a flying fuck what Alex Jones says"

    Sure you do because you use his talking points and post his videos. Such a filthy mouth.

    Tell you what. I'll use my real name when you stop deleting comments that don't necessarily agree with everything you say and actually present some interesting and logical counterpoints. How brave is it to post something false, misleading or untruthful and then delete comments that point out your errors?

    Yes, let's talk about cowards, Lynn.

    Let's start right now...with this comment.

  7. Your comment is slanderous so I would suggest, do NOT come over here again unless you have something relative to say rather than attacks, we're dumb azzes and you are the smartest knife in the drawer.
    You are a socialist. I am a conservative. That's where it ends for us. We both have a different philosophy. I happen to 100% believe that you are wrong. So go get mad somewhere else with the rest of your lying crooked friends. And incidentally, everything I put on here is accurate. It's too bad that Hillary is such a liar and you support that. As far as Alex Jones goes, much of what he writes is fact and a lot of it is something to think about it.

  8. Hey 10:26 You can't have an intelligent conversation about Hillary ,so you resort to name calling. With all that we know about every facet of Hillary Clinton's life and behavior,the only defense you and her other supporters have is "the opossum". Play dead and hope nobody knows what's really going on.It must be scary to be you ,in your Helen Keller world right now. You can spin yourself into the ground but you know that trump is going to win. In a landslide. Trump is attracting crowds in the tens of thousands. Hillary is hiring people to fill the seats in her events.This election will have the highest amount of blacks sitting it out in history. And all your name calling won't change that fact.
