Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dog Park Funding cancelled at John Prince Park thanks to Atlanta Braves

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$2 million was earmarked to fund the new dog park at John Prince Park.  This has now been put on hold pending discussions with the Atlanta Braves, a billionaire corporation that wants us to give them some deeded property at our county park with certain county commissioners including a Lake Worth commissioner pushing the idea.. Read the letter from ROLO:

Dear Residents Of Lake Osborne,

The April 6th Scheduled for the ground breaking for the new Dog Park has been Cancelled.  Upon contacting Shelly Vana's  office this was cancelled due to the consideration of the Atlanta Braves Stadium.

This is proof positive that this could be a reality even with the deed restrictions and on the "To:" section of this email is the County commissioners email address.  I urge all of you to start emailing them in your non-support.

This will devastate the traffic situation in our humble neighborhood along with the noise and pollution that comes with the Baseball Stadium.

Also see the link:

Fill out the contact to the franchise form and let them know as much as we want them in Palm Beach County that we DO NOT WANT THEM IN JOHN PRINCE PARK. Please share this email with anyone you know that is a I (Heart) John Prince so they know our county commission is going against the will of the people.


Robert E. Waples II
ROLO Residences of Lake Osborne
Proudly serving the Residents
Of Lake Osborne


  1. the wants and needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one

  2. anon at 11:18. The wants and the needs of the many in the surrounding area and all over Palm Beach county are to tell the baseball billionaires to shove it up their asses ! We are NOT happy about our tax dollars being given away to billionaires !
    The destruction of a public park ? No where else is better suited to this. No one asked ANY of us if this is what we wanted or needed. And we NEED a beautiful public park much more than this !

  3. I cant wait for the smug basretards attitude change when the real location is announced! JPP is deed restricted. And now all of you basretards are on RECORD showing support for this crap hole. So when it comes to you ,,, Lets just say that it was the best 9000 HH ever spent. Play Ball ! Sign me a county worker that just moved OUT of east Lake Worth

  4. Not only do I NOT WANT a stadium at John Prince Park I am VERY concerned about the safety of it being near the Lantana Airport. Over the past several years there have been plane crashes in this area and many near misses by planes landing at the airport. The safety of the people is my real concern. Is the Atlanta Braves Team aware of the hazards of having this stadium so close to the airport. Remember also that this has a flight training school and we have all seen the number of times that the planes have come in too low. Scares the hell out of me.

  5. Before everyone jumps to conclusions, I got an email from the county stating the grand opening has been postponed and a new date will be advised at a later date. That doesn't sound to me like it is off the table.

  6. It depends on what they do with the Atlanta Braves, anonymous @ 12:29. Not off the table...just on hold.

  7. Are you f'ing kidding me. I was, so, so, so looking forward to having a real dog park near the City of Lake Worth.

    Come on, why not worry about the services and amenities your citizens want and need rather than billionaire baseball club owners who are looking for tax payer corporate welfare.

  8. I, too have thought about the possibility of a crash over a stadium vs. a few picnickers who can flee. And I have heard nothing about any traffic study. Our ambulance fleet is usually waiting at JFK emergency entrance. How welcome will this be in peak season when the ambulances cannot make it through ball park traffic--if it holds up the ambu for greater than 5 minutes that could mean unnecessary deaths. Not to mention the trashing of our park. Ever look at a stadium after the game?? Not pretty. Oh, yes...and we also will have All Aboard Florida with 32 more trains a day then. Sounds like a recipe for disaster waiting to happen.
